Session 10 - Quantum Leap
You may have already done the Quantum Leap Breathwork. It’s now time to bring this quantum leap into reality. I want you to think about all the things you’ve experienced in this program and all the changes you’ve gone through. If you can see where you came from at the start of this journey and you can see where you are now, that means you can project yourself into the ideal reality where your dream is already achieved and you are celebrating living your best life.
As you take the quantum leap breath work activation, allow yourself to dream bigger, to think bigger, to step into a reality where you are the main character and able to create the world in the image of your ultimate reality.
While this quantum leap has already taken place in the quantum realm, it requires your action to bring it into physical manifestation. Now is the time to envision the steps that are necessary to take in order to arrive at this quantum loop.
You already have your roadmap and can see the progress that you’ve made, now what steps are you going to take beyond these 12 sessions? What will you do to hold yourself accountable to your wildest dreams? What will you do day today to remain excited and grateful for the life you have? Answer these questions in in writing and begin scheduling action that you need to take in order to arrive at this point.
If you can’t do the action now, schedule the action for when you would be able to do it. Leave space for the wobbles and challenges that may come along in this path, but stay committed to that goal and that feeling that you are already in the vibration that you are attracting. The quantum leap requires action.
Go take that action now!