Session 4 - Shadow Shake

Where there is light, there is shadow. When’s the last time you danced with your shadow? Shaking is a powerful technique that can help you let go of energy that is holding you back and step fully into the now. Watch this video and shake your body to shake up the shadows and renew your energy.

When we speak of shadow, we often mean the hidden, darker parts of ourselves, our trapped emotions and energies that may have been born from trauma. Give your shadow a chance to express itself and try the following exercises to harness the power of your shadow and turn it to light.

  • Interview with the shadow - can you allow yourself to speak to and from your dark side? There’s really nothing to fear, and through this process you can turn your shadow into fuel for your transformation. Through journaling, art or an out loud conversation ask your shadow the following questions. Give space for a response and trust your ability to find the answers through your shadow side.

  1. What experience created you?

  2. What is your purpose?

  3. What do you want?

If there are any other questions you want to ask, feel free to go as deep as you want to. When you have heard enough, command your shadow to work with you and for you and allow it to be released through this process of integration. If your shadow came here to protect you, how can you redirect that energy? If it came to trigger you, how can you learn from these triggers and release the tension around how it interacts with you.

  • Embrace your fullness - give your self permission to be your full self. Your shadow is an important part of you that doesn’t deserve to be constantly demonised. Journal about the sides of yourself that you try to deny and make a pledge to allow your full self to be present in your life. This can be through a written statement, a mantra, a piece of art or any other way that feels right to you. You came to earth to be everything that you are. Embrace your full self and let go of your unrealistic expectations of perfection.

  • Dance with your shadow - literally! Using a lamp or a candle in a dimly lit room, play with your shadow. This can be through dancing, shadow puppetry or any other creative way that you can interact with your shadow. Get creative and see the beauty in the shadow cast by the light