Session 7 - Mother & Father Wound
Heal your Maternal & Paternal line. This journey allows you to balance and unify your masculine and feminine essence and soothe your ancestral line. Connect to your parents and heal from any generational trauma you may have experienced in life.
It's time to get really honest. Whether you grew up in a 2 parent household, a 1 parent househould, a foster or adoption home or without your parents at all, there were direct effects that stem from the maternal urge (nurturing) and the paternal urge (validation). It's amazing how your dysfunctional behaviours, relationship issues and limiting beliefs relate to your parental relationships. Be kind to yourself and know that no matter how badly your parents did at raising you, they did the best they could with the pain and trauma they were carrying. Now it’s time for you to heal these generational wounds.
This Week’s Tasks
Do your tasks in the workbook
If you are in touch with your parents, reach out to them this week to heal the energetics between you and them. Do not try to get them to own up to any of their misgivings, but just pour love into them and see what happens. If you are not in touch with them, write a letter to each of them from the intention of healing your own inner child. Be your own parent and reinforce the love, nurturing and validation that your inner child needs.
Enrich yourself with activities that nurture you and remind you of your gifts, skills and purpose to aid in self-validation.